Do you have a discitis negligence claim?

The spine is a delicate area, and delays in diagnosing or treating an infection like discitis could result in a serious loss of function and mobility, paralysis, and even death.

If you believe that you have experienced negligent care by a GP, surgeon, consultant, nurse or other healthcare provider, you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation.

Medical negligence and discitis

As the main symptom of discitis is back pain, which can have numerous causes (including simple aging), discitis is often overlooked or misdiagnosed. Diagnosis of discitis is often delayed by between two and six months from the first symptom, which can be catastrophic for the long-term prognosis of a patient.

Diagnosis of discitis requires shrewd judgement to look for signs of infection or inflammation. If suspected, tests should be requested to rule out discitis. The gold standard test is an MRI, as it can pick up inflammation throughout the body, but other tests might include a blood test, bone scan or tissue analysis by way of a biopsy.

Treatment usually involves between six and eight weeks of IV antibiotics to clear the infection and immobilisation to prevent further damage to the spine. Anti-inflammatory medication or steroids may be needed and, in more severe cases, surgery is needed to repair the disc. So, any additional delays to treatment can lead to more severe infection and even mortality [death].

Bringing a discitis negligence claim

The three main reasons someone might bring a discitis negligence case are:

  • Failure to investigate symptoms
  • Failure to administer the right treatment
  • Failure to act on signs of paralysis

Contracting an infection which leads to discitis is not in itself negligent; even if the infection develops after surgery, it is still a known risk and patients should be informed about this in their pre-operative assessment as part of the informed consent process.

Compensation for discitis claims

A misdiagnosed spinal infection like discitis could result in serious complications that impact a person’s ability to work or lead a fulfilled life. Along with compensation for the injuries sustained, there can also be a claim for special damages (financial losses) to account for such things as:

  • Life-long private care needs

Discitis can have a serious impact on an individual’s independence and they may require assistance with daily tasks, potentially for the rest of their life. Where family or friends have been providing care services, this can be costed on a commercial basis and future care packages may also be covered.

In some cases, compensation may also be available to cover other reasonable financial losses, such as childcare, dog-walking and gardening/DIY needs.

  • Adapted accommodation or vehicle costs

An individual with discitis may require the use of stair lifts, transfer equipment or wheelchair accessibility (widening walkways, lowering sinks and countertops, or moving to a single-story property), to name a few, and may need to adapt their home or vehicle to accommodate those needs. These adaptations can be costly, which is why it is important that they are covered by a compensation claim where appropriate.

  • Loss of earnings or congenial employment

If discitis has altered or eradicated your ability to work, you can claim to recover the lost earnings and compensate for the lack of congenial employment (which is to say work that you found enjoyable or satisfying).

We represented one client who had been unable to return to his work as an electrical contractor, which he had enjoyed immensely, and this was taken into consideration for the eventual settlement sum.

Also, if a loved one has reduced their working hours, or given up work, to care for you, the value of this can be accounted for in your claim.

  • Future treatment and transport to and from medical appointments

Discitis often requires a long course of intravenous antibiotic therapy, around six to eight weeks, typically given daily at an infusion centre. For someone with reduced mobility, this can be not only very difficult but also very expensive. Compensation can cover mileage and parking, taxi costs or public transportation, as well as the value of someone’s time who has reasonably accompanied you.

  • Pain rehabilitation

Discitis can leave an individual with a significant amount of day-to-day pain, and interventions to reduce the impact of that pain can be costly. Whilst some are available on the NHS, more sophisticated pain interventions may need to be privately funded.

  • Disability aids

In some cases, the affected party may require mobility aids such as mobility scooters, wheelchairs, ramps, shower seats or transfer discs. In addition, a specialist vehicle might be needed.

See our guide to medical negligence compensation to see examples of other considerations when making a discitis medical claim.

Examples of discitis medical negligence cases

One of our specialist medical negligence solicitors, Miriam Bi, has handled two key discitis cases here at Medical Solicitors, both of which had different causes and outcomes.

Delayed diagnosis of discitis case settles for £530,000 compensation

The first case, settled in February 2022, involved a 48-year-old man who developed discitis after spinal surgery in 2015 that went undiagnosed and untreated for almost nine months, despite having had three MRI scans that noted inflammation and disc depreciation.

After parties formally exchanged their expert reports, the defendant invited the claimant to a Joint Settlement Meeting. This was arranged where an out-of-court settlement of £530,000 was reached on February 14th 2022. As well as general damages, this included claims for loss of congenial employment, care costs, pain rehabilitation, psychiatric therapy, and adaptations to his home, car and mobility aids.

Read more about this discitis case study.

Ongoing case for deceased man who was left paralysed due to discitis diagnosis delays

Miriam is also currently investigating the case of a widow whose late husband became paralysed from the waist down after medics scanned the wrong part of his back.

He experienced a sudden, sharp pain in his upper back and sought medical advice but was told it was muscular. At first, the lower back was scanned only, which led to a delay in diagnosis. His leg then began to feel numb and his GP admitted him to hospital. He showed all typical signs of discitis but due to errors with the MRI scan, the infection went undetected. His neurology deteriorated resulting in permanent loss of movement in his legs.

Working with Medical Solicitors on Your Discitis Negligence Claim

At Medical Solicitors, our niche law firm only handles clinical negligence claims for patients. As your legal partner, we’ll always keep you at the centre, supporting you and guiding you through the process. Our specialist solicitors are compassionate and knowledgeable. We go to great lengths to fully understand a case and we offer no-obligation advice about whether there is a chance of success.

If we recommend going further, you may also be thinking about how you’ll fund the legal costs. We offer Conditional Fee Agreements (No Win, No Fee) so there is nothing to lose in speaking to us about a claim.

All cases are handled on a personal basis and we strive to do everything we can to achieve the maximum compensation to ensure the best possible quality of life for all clients.

Get in touch today to discuss your discitis medical negligence claim with a specialist solicitor.


Please Note: At Medical Solicitors, our team specialise in discitis negligence claims involving healthcare providers in England and Wales and will be happy to extend a helping hand if your case is located in either of these regions. Unfortunately, we do not handle discitis negligence claims outside of England and Wales.

Why Choose Us?

We’ve handled many different types of medical negligence cases and provided expert advice for over 30 years.

  • We offer FREE, no obligation legal advice all throughout
  • Our processes are hassle free & we handle all the paperwork
  • We won't charge you a penny until your case has been settled

Our discitis negligence claims expert:

Miriam Bi


How Medical Solicitors Can Help You

We have been supporting and winning compensation for our clients for over two decades. Operating throughout the UK, we have a team of 15 friendly staff, made up of qualified solicitors, legal executives, legal assistants and administrative staff who are here to listen and guide you through your clinical and medical negligence claim.
  • We offer FREE, no obligation advice

  • We can help determine if you have a claim

  • We help you get your claim started and guide you throughout

  • We offer help, advise, get answers and secure justice for our clients

  • We offer No Win, No Fee agreements

Want to learn more about how we can help you? Get in touch

What’s Our Process

Medical Solicitors operates very differently from most other law firms. We won’t ask you to sign a contract straight away. First, we will take the time to understand your case, gather information, advise on the way forward, and if we believe you have a claim, offer a No Win, No Fee agreement.
  • Talk to us

    A claim starts with a no-obligation chat. We want to understand your case and if we can help. This can be done by email or telephone whichever you prefer.
  • We Advise

    We will advise you on the way forward. Whether that is raising a complaint with the health provider initially, or proceeding straight to obtaining medical records.
  • We Investigate

    A senior member of our team will review your case and decide if we can further investigate your claim for you.
  • We Take Action

    If we believe there is a case to investigate. We will offer you a NO Win, No Fee agreement.
  • We Keep you Informed

    As we progress your claim, we will keep you informed every step of the way.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are our most frequently asked questions about discitis negligence claims claims:
  • How do I make a medical negligence claim?

    Listen to Matthew's advice on making a medical negligence claim.
  • Is there a time limit for bringing a medical negligence claim?

    Sonia explains time limits when making a medical negligence claims.
  • How do I go about making a complaint to the NHS or my doctor?

    Sonia explains how to make a complaint to the NHS or your doctor.
  • How do I get hold of my medical records?

    Sarah explains how to obtain your medical records.
  • How can I fund a medical negligence case?

    Caroline explains how you can find your medical negligence case, no win, no fee.
  • Due to Covid-19 retractions, how can I access my solicitor?

    Sarah explains how you can contact your solicitor during the pandemic.
  • How long will my medical negligence claim take?

    Matthew explain what impacts how long a medical negligence claim can take to settle.