A woman in her 30s was awarded £175,000 in compensation after a perforated bowel was overlooked following a gynaecological procedure.

She sought the help of Miriam Bi of Medical Solicitors to bring a medical negligence claim against the defendant NHS Trust.

Case summary

In April 2019, the claimant ‘C’ suffered a miscarriage and underwent surgical removal of retained products of conception. During the procedure, her uterine wall was perforated and was repaired by a senior gynaecologist. They checked C’s bowel at the same time but didn’t note any perforations.

However, the following day, C had ongoing pain despite taking paracetamol, ibuprofen and tramadol. She had not been to the toilet, couldn’t pass wind and had a swollen tummy. On examination, there were no bowel sounds.

Following a surgical review, C underwent an urgent laparotomy – further abdominal surgery – to explore the cause. When the wound was opened, faecal bile spilled out and a litre of intestinal contents was drained.

A perforation to the small bowel was found and this was repaired. C’s abdominal cavity was washed out to reduce the risk of infection and drains were fitted. She was transferred to critical care and was nil by mouth.

However, she had a prolonged recovery of a few months owing to post-surgical complications. She had ongoing abdominal pain, an infected wound, chest pain and needed a blood transfusion. C also developed fluid on her lungs which needed aspirating.

C was eventually discharged but then readmitted a few days later with increasing abdominal pain. The initial assessment was an infection or abscess but no new fluid was detected on a CT scan. Surgical adhesions from the two surgeries was also suspected.


The defendant NHS Trust admitted liability. The case settled for £175,000 in October 2023 prior to issuing court proceedings.

A breakdown of compensation was £55,000 general damages, £25,000 for past losses and £95,000 for future losses.

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  • Our processes are hassle free & we handle all the paperwork
  • We won't charge you a penny until your case has been settled

Case settled by

Miriam Bi
