£850,000 Compensation From Cancer Polyp Diagnosis Delay
Failed GP Referal Of Cancer Patient To Breast Surgeon
£550,000 Compensation for Delayed Diagnosis of Flesh Eating Infection
Missed discitis spinal infection leads to six-figure compensation
£299,000 after delayed diagnosis of Compartment Syndrome
£225,000 Claim for Failed Achilles Rupture Diagnosis
Boy Left Brain Damaged After Delayed Diagnosis of Brain Abscess
Failed GP Referal to Surgeon Results in £165,000 Claim
Negligent Failure to Monitor Ulcerative Colitis
Negligent Gastric Bypass After Care Leads to £100,000
£50,000 for Delayed Diagnosis of Heart Fluid in 12-year-old Boy
Delayed Diagnosis of Tropical Pyomyositis Leads to £30,000 Damages