A young man in his early 30s was awarded £27,500 in compensation after delays in the diagnosis and treatment of melanoma on his leg led to severe surgical scarring.

By the time the skin cancer was diagnosed, the affected area has significantly grown and required a more substantial skin graft. He has been left unable to walk properly, has a limp and is self-conscious of his visible scars.

He was supported by Sonia Parkes, a senior litigator at Medical Solicitors, to make a medical negligence claim for his injuries.

Case summary

The claimant ‘C’ had initially seen his GP in 2014 when he was 25 with concerns about a changing mole on his left calf. He’d had it a while but noticed it had grown in size, shape and colour.

The GP noted it was an 8mm flat pigmented mole and made a plan to refer C to a GP with special interest in dermatology. C was not informed of this plan and the referral did not happen.

C returned to his GP practice over two-and-a-half years later in May 2017. He saw a different GP who noted that the mole had grown to 2.8cm by 2cm. C was urgently referred to dermatology under the suspected cancer pathway.

Under dermatology, the mole was cut out and histopathology found it to be a superficial spreading melanoma. C then underwent further surgery to remove more surrounding tissue.

A skin graft was performed using tissue from his thigh. The donor site was 10cm by 7cm and has left C with significant scarring that is visible from normal conversational distance.

His calf now has a circular defect of 6 by 7cm. There is a lack of sensation due to no soft tissue coverage and an underlying nerve bundle. C regularly has a sharp pain and dull ache in his calf.

C is very self-conscious of both his scars. He could have further surgery to improve the appearance of his scarring but this would require two more procedures to gradually stretch the skin and bring the edges together to create a more linear scar.


Court proceedings were issued protectively against all GPs at the GP practice in the event that the lack of referral to the GP with specialist interest occurred due to an admin error.

The claim was stayed after issue against all GPs to give the GP who C initially saw, 'D', time to file a response to the letter of claim. No response was received and so court proceedings were served.

There was another stay of proceedings against all other GPs except D to enable him to file a defence. In the defence, D admitted liability and so the claims were discontinued against all other GPs.

The claim settled shortly thereafter in November 2022 for £27,50 which included £12,740 general damages and £14,760 special damages.

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Claim settled by

Sonia Parkes

Senior Litigator